Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blogging instead of shopping.

In an effort to curb my crazy consumerist ways I'm sitting down at a coffee shop writing a blog post instead of shopping. (ok so technically I'm shopping because I bought a coffee but baby steps)

I was at the shops earlier this week aimlessly browsing and realized that all the things I was browsing for were different versions of things I already owned and decided that maybe it was time to give the shops a miss.

The aim is for as much of the year as I can to try and only buy things when I actually need them rather than well .... Just because.

So far this week I'm one from two... (but both of these were before I started this whole plan)

1. bought a new Xbox headset because my old one broke... Even managed not to buy the absolute bees knees version and stuck with minimum spec... So I'm giving myself a tick for that one

2. Not so good I bought new pedals for my bike because I didn't like the other ones and well these ones were made out of titanium..... TITANIUM!!!! (crazy consumerism alert)

Basically it's a bit of self analysis that I shop when I'm stressed (mmmm retail therapy) and it's a bad habit I've picked up from my parents. I'm not expecting to change it too quickly, at this stage a conscious effort is a good start.

End of random time wasting post.

In other news the X95 plantronics headset seems to work really well... Might do a bit of a review after a few more hours with it (aka tomorrow)

Most photo challenge posts coming soon too

Sent from my iPad

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