Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Back for more appointments.

So it's been a good month since I blogged about my tingling hands and feet etc.

The month overall has been pretty normal given it was Christmas. I played with the kids. Swum at the beach. Started taking some more photos. Stayed up way too late gaming. And obviously rode my bike (I say obviously because I'm addicted), I even fell off and lost a few bits of skin.

The whole time the tingles have been there more or less. With probably the exception of the last few days of holidays where I don't remember them at all. Whether that's. Because I'm just used to it being there or because it wasn't. The conclusion to draw from that is that it's stress related. Especially when you take into account that my first day back it was the worst it had ever been.

Cutting down the caffeine and watching my diet (specifically making sure I stay celiac helps). Not as much as a holiday it seems.

Not sure what that will mean long term. But really this post was just to talk to my self about it and waste the time to my appointment.

At the moment my hip is so sore from the bike crash yesterday that I haven't even noticed any tingles today.

Sent from my iPhone

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