Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Photo Revival

At the start of this year I was challenged to take a photo challenge for the month of January. Initially I thought it was a bit gimmicky but was happy to give it a go.

I must say though, we are only 3 days in and I'm completely inspired to take photos. I'm just loving it. Today's challenge was to shoot "Something you adore" which I found really hard because there are so many things that I love doing. A byproduct though was this shot I grabbed while I rode to work this morning.
Riding the star
I absolutely love the shot and can't really explain why...

Anyway back on the challenge... this is the thing I eventually posted for today... which was basically all the things I enjoyed in the morning... Coffee (because the children woke up at 5am), Playing with the kids (Lets face it I'm a kid myself),  Riding (my current addiction)

Something you adore - Life
I'm sure there will be more to come

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