Monday, June 22, 2009

New Toy Monday

This is something that is usually for Zachary, every month or so on a Monday he gets a new toy and we retire an old one. Today though (as well as Zachary getting one) my new Rotel RTC-850 Pre-Amp arrived. I spent a little bit of time wiring it into the system (to drive my Cygnett Unison iX-5 Speakers) but about 10 times that getting the Harmony Remote to play nice. It was a bit of a random purchase (somehow no one outbid me on ebay) but it does solve the problem of having to run the speakers for the headphone socket of the TV. The sound is noticably different (I wasn't the only one it the house to notice either). It's a great little edition (even if it is some vintage gear) to the setup and I've now pretty much exhausted every upgrade for the setup. Well until I swap out those Cygnett's for some Beolab 5s.

1 comment:

  1. That Rotel looks remarkably similar to our RX-950AX. SNAP! We even have a double cassette deck to go with it.. no that we use cassettes. :)
