Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A post while everyone else is sleeping!

I don't get a lot of time for posting at the moment so I thought I'd take this small window while everyone else was sleeping to do a bit of a blog update.

First off to stereo things, after all the vinyl revival I picked up a small addition to my Tivoli setup and added the Tivoli Model Sub to the mix to add a little bit more to the bottom end.
With the little one being much more mobile the whole system has moved up to the top of buffet away from harms reach. Considering it's really only two 3" drivers and one 5" driver the sound is amazingly impressive. I also picked up a Rotel Preamp to update the TV system and bypass the funky processing the TV does to the sound on the way to the speakers, it hasn't arrived yet so no pics for that yet.

Zachary is growing so fast it's a little hard to keep up. He's moved on from crawling to standing up in a matter of days. He's done it so quickly that his cot needs to be lowered.
We had a couple of big outtings on the weekend so I'll post some more photos for both events tonight.

I'm still trying to finish this post I started 2 days ago....

Everyone stayed up to watch the Socceroos match last night the Fire alarm saw to it that a certain someone didn't stay asleep for very long. At least he was enjoying the match.
And at least the boring segments of the match gave me enough time to put the cot base down.

There has been a sad slump in the amout of console gaming I've been doing lately. The new DSi hasn't even had much of an outing.

I know I had a lot of other things to put up here but they are all forgotten now....

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