Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Bachelor weekend of Gaming and Home Makeovers

This weekend Ness and Zach headed off to Tassie to visit the grandparents so I was left to my own devices.

Saturday was an old school gaming day with the usual crowd of gaming friends giving the 360, Wii and Projector a full work out. Sunday though saw the start of a full house makeover while the rest of the family was away. The biggest change was swapping the rooms that were the study and Zach's room including a full repaint. I picked some new colours for Zach's room and away we went. There were a few other things that were thrown into the mix including finishing off the plastering work from the Airconditioner and tidying up from other reno projects. I think I bit off more than I could chew for the few days that we had to complete. I was planning to catch up on some sleep but I filled most of that time on top of a ladder brush in hand...

There aren't any pictures as yet because the new layouts and colours are all a surprise for the others return, but I will post some as soon as we've had the reveal!

In a way being so busy with the work has made the time go very quickly and I haven't had much of a chance to miss them... but now it's all done I can't wait for them to come home!

Stay tuned for the pics :)

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