Thursday, May 01, 2008

Can I take your order???

(So I admit I stole this post name from a chat I was having, sorry Roman)Anyway, I'm taking my geek levels to a new low tonight and I've taken my laptop to dinner in the Hotel Restaurant.

I was getting a bit sick of sitting in a restaurant trying to amuse myself while I ate and the hotel is quite used to "high flyers" working during dinner so some guy in jeans with a laptop doesn't phase them too much.

So a bit of an update on the week...

The Project from Hell which I've been on (and in Sydney for eternity for) is coming close to it's deadlines and despite it's continual scope creep there is no extension to the timeframe we're just working longer hours (because what else would I do I'm in Sydney and apparently may as well work) to fit about 3 months worth of work into 3 weeks. As a result there hasn't been much time for blogging (or catching up the sleep I missed out on. Something I've successfully failed at this week).

Tuesday night though I did manage to get out and have some social time. I caught up with Casey who cooked a fantastic barbecued and flame grilled chicken.
This was followed up by some Mario Kart Wii, I was a little worried how I would hold up after my demise to Mandy and Tom. I managed to pull out a few wins here and there though so it wasn't a complete embarrassment. The new game is fantastic... I was really impressed with the graphics and particularly with the online capabilities. The addition of the Channel so you can check if you have friends online even if you don't have the game in the console is a great improvement over their previous online attempts and a much closer experience to the polish of the Xbox Live interface (disregarding the annoying 12 year olds).

It was a great night and proved that Mario Kart, like pool, is often played better after a couple of scotches.

The rest of the week has been pretty much work slavery so not much else to report.... I managed to slip in an episode of BSG Season 3 though for good measure.

On a side note though I have managed to a lot of music this week (in order to avoid random people from "Project from Hell"s company talking to me about irrelevant things for HOURS on end when I'm already cramming months into weeks)

I'm very much looking forward to getting home this week... I've been a bit homesick this week. I think the combination of overtired, lots of overtime, the endless weeks away and Paris are catching up with me... I'm very much looking forward to the end of May when I'm supposedly starting a project a bit closer to home.... (fingers crossed)

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