Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rome Day 2

Another big day in Rome today. We picked up some bus tickets in the morning and toured around the major Monuments before doing some serious exploration of the ruins (not just the free ones) and the Colosseum.
The ruins are just enormous, I don't think it would be possible to take them all in even if you spent a month here. Almost every section of the city has some form of ruins in it. We did our best with taking in as much of the ruins before a short museum trip and lunch.
We found a great place to eat right around the corner from the Colosseum called Cafe Cafe. It was cheap and the food was great (just like a good cafe in Brisbane). 
The colessem is something that is hard to describe. The size and precise construction are just amazing for something built so long ago.
Another fantastic day in Rome, after all the little towns we thought it would be hard to come back to another big city but it's hard not to be excited by all the history here.
After my little complain yesterday though I did get a new shirt, although it did also get a little present from a bird on our trips today... Ironically the first time in 5 and a half weeks and it was a new shirt.... :)
Also last night we went for a bit of a wander after dinner and ended back at the Trevi Fountain and fell for our first street seller. We've been passing off rose sellers (among others) for the last five weeks but this guy managed to scam us... Still, we scammed back, only 1 Euro for the two roses... could have been worse.

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