Friday, October 19, 2007

Europe '07 - Roma (the last leg)

Today we landed in Rome on the last leg of our trip (and only 6 nights before we head Oz-ward again).

Yesterday was a crazy day in Orvieto where we managed to take in all but 2 of the major attractions in the day. We still fitted in some shopping time as well. I ran out of time after the photos to put more of a post up so the photos will have to tell the story.

We had a lazy morning in Orvieto before treking with our backpacks to the Funicular and off to the train. Once in Rome we decided to walk the 1.5 (ish) km to our hotel which seemed to go by pretty quickly. Our hotel is pretty central to most of the tourist attractions so after a quick lunch we headed out and took a quick look over the closest attractions.

As you can probably tell I've discovered the panorama mode on my camera phone which is working out ok. The batteries on my normal camera went flat today so the phone got a work out. Our hotel is (literally) next door to internet so we will hopefully be able to keep the blogging going until we leave Rome.

Today was just an overview of the attractions, you could spend days just in Rome (even just in the ruins of the old city alone). In the next few days we're going to hit Rome hard and then head to Pompei. We've got 7 days here so we'll try and make the most of it. The ruins of the city were fantastic, I was completely amazed by the structures that are still standing the size is just unbelievable.

It's hard to believe it's the last leg of our holiday. It's been such a fantastic holiday it's a very sad to see the end in sight, although we will be glad to be home in some ways (it will be nice not to choose only from 4 outfits)

This is everything we've been living on

Talk again soon!

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