Sunday, October 21, 2007

A cold and windy day in Roma

Only 4 sleeps to go and we will be heading home via Korea again. It seems like a lifetime, yet it isn't really. It's the amount of time we had in Venice, or Florence. Still theres lots to be done, seen, and promised for the next trip. At the very least, it looks like tomorrow will be the Appian Way and Catacombs, Monday Pompei and Tuesday the Vatican. Wednesday will be a wrap up of whatever we haven't yet done, and then a drive to the airport.
Today we got up and it was cold. The wind is bitey and the temperature low. I wore my gloves and Cameron wore his jumper (still in single figures of wear). Cameron mocked the gloves, challenging me to find someone else on the street also wearing gloves. Needless to say, I won. This was another DS moment for Cameron, after his calls such as,
  • We haven't seen many hotted up cars here (cue Ferrari's)
  • I haven't seen many Rav 4's here (we parked next to one in Orvieto, and have seen at least 2 each day since).
This morning we went to the Pantheon, which was excellent. Because it was consecrated as a church, it wasn't sacked like the Colosseum. However originally it was dedicated to all the Gods of Roma, and that's how I think I will remember it rather than as a Christian place of worship. Apparently it is really cool in the rain, but despite his earlier DS moments Cameron didn't make the heavens open.
Afterwards we found a supermarket and tried another range of GF foods for Cameron - cheese rice chips, nicer than they sound. Not nicer than chocolate.
Then we went to a Jesuit Church, Il Gesu. Gold, gold and gold, incredibly ornate and over the top. Finally we headed to the Capitoline Hill museums to have a look around. They were excellent, but after 4 hours of solid museum with only a pizza and salad to break things up, we were officially over-museumed. So we headed for the shops to get all the culture out of our heads.
Tonight we shopped Via Cavour - the first real shopping we have done since we left Australia. Cameron somehow managed to leave the ipod player made to look like lego behind, and I got 4 pairs of fabulous stockings. We also got sock and jocks - Iàm sick of of washing so we got new stuff. For not much more than a load of washing would cost. We also bought books for the homeward trip and Cameron got a new DS game, having finished the last in Spain. I am yet to finish picross despite my phenomenal efforts on the books.
I am finding it hard to buy souvenirs to bring home. Partly I suspect because my shopping instincts are blunted (seems impossible, I know!!!) but also because finding something that is a) not too tacky and b) unavailable in Australia is taking a while. We will keep trying, obviously.
Now, we are heading out to find food. I'm not sure where from, or what, this we will discover after we leave here. Finding food in a city the size of Rome when you need to know what you are eating is difficult. We may head to an enoteca down the road and watch some sport with our wine, or we may have a sit down affair. Who knows??
See you all soon. If you have any last minute requests from Rome, make sure they get to us soon!!

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