Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Touch(ing) is not so good!

We lost our second game of Touch football last night! :( We didn't have any subs and the other team appeared to have 6, which didn't help our chances. I was already pretty tired because I'd come straight from indoor cricket. I actually had to leave about halfway through the match to make touch in time so it was fortunate that we bowled first and I batted in the first pair. In all fairness we only lost by 1 try (5 to 4) so it was a pretty good match, apart from the fact that I took a patch of skin about the size of my hand off my back... not the most pleasant experience... I did stop the try so it wasn't a complete loss...

I managed a few rounds of Mario Kart DS online again (I'm settling into the addiction nicely I think). I haven't unlocked much of the stuff in the game because I'm having so much fun playing online. I played a couple of matches (4 tracks) with another person who was pretty evenly matched last night (Nicknamed: Mr. Zingy). The first match ended in a tie, but I managed to sneak 4 victories in the second one (although I won all 4 races it was pretty much neck and neck on the line every race). Opening the ports seems to have done the trick on the stability issues I had with the WiFi connections, I'm still to attempt another friend match so time will tell.

In other news.... we considering getting a new car (in the near future) the current front runner is a smart roadster. We haven't driven one yet so it may be pushed to the bottom very quickly but it is at least on the top of the list to test drive. There aren't many of them around so their uniqueness has a certain appeal. I would like a yellow one (pictured) but I think we'll end up going for something a little more understated like black or champagne.

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