Monday, November 28, 2005

Weekend Update! (So much walking!)

Looking back at the weekend it was pretty huge!

The weekend pretty much started Thursday night, went out to dinner at the Punjabi Palace in West end with some of Ness's Soccer team, don't think it was as good as our favourite Indian place Grand Taj, but thecompany was great.

Friday night was pretty quiet, I had the first rehearsal back with my old choir and Ness had 5 a side.

Saturday morning we went to Salon (downstairs at our new place) for breakfast, which I've discovered makes THE best milkshakes! Ness was pretty happy because she got to have Green (see also pesto) Eggs and Ham. Spent the rest of the day shopping for stuff for Mandy's Wedding. It was a pretty exhausting day having to keep Ness focused on theshopping we NEEDED to do so we came home and crashed at about 4.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to have a few online friend's challenges with Amelia and Andrew. I've since discovered that there are a series of ports I needed to open on the firewall to make Nintendo Wificompletely happy.

We headed back to Salon for an afternoon hot chocolate, mainly because they make lindt hot chocolates, which then turned into dinner and a few glasses of wine, before we headed to Craig's Christmas party. The party was out at Kangaroo point so we thought we'd take the ferry, which despite the drunken bucks night cheering us on as we ran to the ferry stop, was a pretty nice way to travel. I have to admit Craig's party is the first I've been to where people ab sailed off the top ofthe building... but then again, Craig's parties are always exciting!

Continuing with the walking trend of the week, I walked just about everywhere on the weekend. I went to and from rehearsals on Friday night and the performance on Sunday by foot. The biggest walk of the weekend has to go to the trip home from Craig's. In a poorly made assumption, we thought that the ferry's would run until 12 or 1... unfortunately they only run until 11... So we tried for a cab... (2nd bad decision) and ended up walking home. Which took only about an hour, including a pit stop at the Story Bridge hotel. I'd never been across the Story Bridge before so that was exciting (until I actually did it). I'm starting to feel like I could be getting fit with all this walking!

Ben brought back the Xbox yesterday and as a house warming present got me Burnout Revenge!! the game is awesome... Especially traffic attack... well actually I only know the game looks awesome because Ben played it for about 3 hours! (which wasok because I was playing MarioKart Online)

I've managed to run quite a few online races (now I have my router correctly setup) and it's been heaps of fun. I've had a few people drop off but I assume they are just quitting because it was usually the person who came in 4th for the last 2 races. I've only got 2 friends in my roster at the moment, because I only know 2 other people with DS consoles and MarioKart. I was thought my online Icon was pretty weak (just being a green smiley face with a black eye) but it
seems that most people haven't put much effort into it. I've only been playing Worldwide races so I've changed my online tag to 'CamDS AUS' I've seen a few other people with UK but though it's nice to know where the people you're racing are from. I've got about a 60% win-loss ratio at the moment which I pretty happy with...

Had my first 2 performances with the choir yesterday, which was a little stressful. We only rehearse once a week for 2 hours and do completely different music every week. It's giving my sight reading skills a real workout but it's a little stressful in the process. I'mhoping I'll slot in a little more in the next couple of weeks.

Lastly I also found an awesome bargin on a set of THX Ultra certified speakers from Jamo (yes Tom Jamo!). The most enticing fact is the 15" sub included in the set... all the speakers are wall mountable so that would fit with our new place very well, all I have to do now is findsome magical mystery money to pay for them!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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