Wednesday, November 30, 2005

DS + Red Wine = Wifi Loss

In an experiment (to which I probably already knew the result) as to the effects of red wine on my driving skills in Mario Kart DS last night, I discovered that a few glasses of red result in you powersliding into walls more often than not and as a result loose ever race of the match. I managed to redeem my online stats this morning though with a solid 4 race match win so I'm not 9 Wins to 7 Losses. (I haven't really worked out how it calculates this but it doesn't seem to count any matches where you don't race the full 4) In true gadget geek style Ness and I managed to fit in about 8 races this morning waiting at the bus stop and came to the conclusion that she probably needs her own copy.

I also managed to slot in a few rounds of Burnout Revenge last night (before the red) the game is just as much fun as the last version of the series, and probably a little bit more... Traffic attack is just awesome! On that note though my alliance in the online DS racing game genre has been questioned... Today EA released Burnout Legends DS with Wifi capability (ok Ben if you ever needed a reason to get a DS this is it).
Electronic Arts announced today that Burnout Legends for the Nintendo DS is now shipping in North America, giving players yet another way to race with their dual-screened portable.

Built from the ground-up for the Nintendo DS, Burnout Legends offers highlights from the first three Burnout games, as well as "new cars and new surprises." The game uses the touch screen for "aftertouch" control during crashes. Legends also features nine gameplay modes, including crash, road rage, pursuit and multiplayer via the DS wireless connection.
It does seem a little rash of EA to try and release a racer to compete with Mario Kart DS when the title is so strong. Also everyone reading this needs to go out and buy a DS and Mario Kart DS get on Nintendo's Wifi Connection and tell me their friend code. Do it NOW! It's heaps of fun racing people online (I've actually played more races online than I have of the single player mode) but I'd like to race some people I know. So why are you still here reading???


  1. I will look into this "DS" of which you speak. Burnout is addictive and playing computer games is a good addiction. I make no promises at this stage though.

  2. The trailer is also up on Happy Puppy which looks very cool...

  3. you can get mi friend code from

