Sunday, July 04, 2010

Teneriffe festival

Yesterday was the inaugural Teneriffe festival and it turned out to be a fantastic day. I wasn't expecting it to be as big an event with Vernon terrace packed for most of the morning. It was like having our own mini ekka on our street but with much better food.

I'm really happy it's going to be an annual event for the suburb and I can only imagine it will get better from here.

I'm not sure what the littleone enjoyed more having a street he could ride his bike up and down all morning with no worry of cars or all the animals he could pat.

I did plan on taking some shots of the day but even though I packed the pentax I neglected to check it was equipped with SD card before I left the house.

It was a great way to spend a Saturday and I'll definitely be going off to it next year.

Sent from my iPhone

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