Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Mac, the AppleTV and media storage

I had a bit of a scare on the weekend when my main iTunes library storage drive died and it started me thinking about the best way to ensure my iTunes library is always highly available.

Currently my old G5 runs as the household media server. All the media is stored on a removable drive via USB to keep the OS HDD as clean as possible. This is then copied to a media NAS on a regular basis. This was all well and good until the USB drive would no longer mount.

While everything was being backed up due to the size of HD media files there were a number of files that were in the process of being copied when the drive died and they were lost. It only meant a couple of dollars of iTunes TV shows but the potential is for a loss to be much worse.

The new design is both for performance and for reliability

IMac G5 running SSD SATA drive for OS
USB -> RAID (mirrored) iTunes library
USB -> Single Drive time Machine
Ethernet -> Media NAS for Shared itunes Library and shared Photos
Ethernet -> full-time sync to appleTV

While the G5 is quite old now it still serves media more than adequately for the whole house and has a relatively small footprint with the monitor integrated. All I need to do now ISA find a USB raid enclosure

Sent from my iPad

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