Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Collider 1 Apocalypse 0

So many people theorised the end of the world via black hole today. Looks like we skipped that one. Although may this is what the next life is like. Obviously I've managed to get to hell though, I'm still developing in itsm.
I'm back to Sydney tomorrow (chalk up some more evidence) this time for two days. Which is less tiring than the day trip but i'm away for longer. Looks like apple have come through with some nice shiny new gear.
Sorry for the stream of consciousness but i'm entertaining myself on the bus.
I downloaded Doom on the 360 the other day for some old school fun and even after more than a decade it's still great fun. I'm keen to try it online if any one is interested (fyi it was always one of my worse games, Dean used vm regularly hand me death by rocket).
I'm still thinking about a phone upgrade. Trust me writing this post on a phone pad is getting old. The iPhone looks perfect, but the new offerings from htc on the android platform are probably the way to go.
I've got some more configuration on the new receiver setup as it's not decoding everything quite the way i'd like, mostly from the blu ray player. That will have to wait for next week sometime as i'll be painting paris's room in all the free time i have this weekend. That's about it for this post i'm running out of buffer.

1 comment:

  1. Plenty of time yet before they fire up the LHC at full power. Then we'll see some Hawking Radiation from all those black holes!

    Personally, I say stay away from the iPhone, not because I don't want one, but because (as with the ipod) there are better offerings out there for the savvy consumer. And you're nothing if not savvy....right?
