Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ah the airport....

Well I'm back at the airport again... and I'm pretty tired today. Last night I had to have an MRI (as a follow up from my recent hospital visit). They run them suprisingly late (my appointment was at 8:30pm) which unfortunately leads to late finishing times about 10:30pm last night. This would have been fine if I wasn't already flying to Sydney today. I've got a serious case of the yawns as a result this morning.

The whole MRI thing is pretty cool, just not exactly a riveting experience for the patient. Being so late at night and not being able to move at all made it quite hard not to dose off....

I'm considering another shipment from Amazon this week. One of my favourite cartoon series as a kid, ROBOTECH, has a new series (the Shadow Chronicles) and it was released on Blu-ray this week. There are a few other titles I've got on my wish list at the moment so I might have bundle up a few others with it... you know, to save on shipping obviously.

On the whole "buying DVD/Blu" thing I must admit that since we've got Foxtel HD+ with the ability to download HD movies on Demand the need/urge to buy hard copies of shows is really reduced. Admittedly you don't get the TrueHD sound formats but the difference in cost is hard to ignore. Even compared to renting the convenience of just clicking "Watch" rather than jumping in the car is a huge bonus.  This compined now with Apple's announcement of TV shows in HD I can't see my DVD collection growing at the same rate as it has in the past. I will still get the movies that I will watch more than once (probably lump a few Pixars into that) but I won't be rushing out to buy a title just because I missed it at the cinema. This may of course mean that I may at some stage add an AppleTV to the current setup but that won't be for quite a while yet.

Well even after all that ranting my plane still isn't boarding... oh well looks like I'll have to wade through a few more articles on Google Reader.

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