Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Not really what I had planned for the day

This blog is brought to you by the St Andrew's Hospital. So it turns out that I wasn't feeling well for a reason. After heading to my gp this morning for what i thought would be a quick trip with a bit of a dose up on some medication. I was a little off the mark. I ended up with an ECG at the surgery before being shipped off to emergency to be strapped vm a few monitors and even more tests. I ended the day with and echo stress test, rather ironic as i'd been wheelchaired everywhere, the running uphill on a treadmill was a little out of place.
All the big nasty things were ruled out but i've been kept in overnight just to make sure. Ness got off work and kept me company for the day which was wonderful.
Wasn't really what I was planning for the day.

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