Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hoping I'm homeward bound.

It's been a nice morning. I've had a visit from Ness for some company and a visit from the Cardio who was happy with my improvements and is likely to send me home if my scans show the same.
The start to the day wasn't quite as nice, having 6 vials of blood taken isn't the nicest way to be woken up. But as it's getting me closer to home I don't mind, even with the amount I hate needles.
Ness brought me a tech drop this morning so I've got my ds and ipod (complete with noise cancelling headphones) which is just in time as i have a new room buddy and don't have a room to myself.
One good thing about being here though is it does make me feel very young, I'm probably the youngest person here by 30 years.
Well time to go, it's almost time for me to do my lap of the ward!

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