Thursday, May 08, 2008

Working late....

As you can probably tell (from the Dilbert post) not exactly a breeze work wise at the moment... as a result I'm pulling a few long hauls to try and get the project over the line. The blog post fits in while I'm waiting for my dinner to turn up.

I started back with some exercise today, being away so much doesn't always lead to much sport/gym etc. I went for a run around the harbor this morning which was quite brisk. In the world continuing to laugh at me I've managed to hurt my knee in the process and it's REALLY painful. Ironically I felt great after the run and only noticed the knee when I got up to get a coffee this morning. Continuing the injury theme a huge bruise mysteriously appeared on my arm today, presumably a result of the lounge room make over on the weekend. It too is surprisingly painful seeing as I haven't noticed it before today.

Back briefly on the work stress, one good thing to come out of it is a new soothing distraction I've found in baby related gadgets. At the risk of sounding overly gooie, there is something inexplicably exciting looking for cool stuff for your unborn child. And it gives me a great excuse to refit the house is Philippe Starck's ghost chairs.

A bit of a gadget insight as well I was looking at getting some speakers for my Project Turntable... I was considering something small and self powered but in a small technology related revelation today I though the best solution would be teaming it with a Tivoli Model Two. Both are old school audio technologies and would suit each other nicely...

Lastly (but not least), Tom and Suse are going overseas in just over a week... I know it's payback for our holiday last year but I'm sure we'll miss them! Have a great holiday.

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