Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Away on Magnetic Island

As previously mentioned, I headed off to Magnetic Island last night for accomodation as everything in Townsville was booked out. Suse had even lost her place to stay on the Mainland so we managed to up my hotel to a two bedroom suite. We stayed at the SailS on Horseshoe which was around the other side of the island to the Ferry, the bus service was pretty good and matched it's times to ferry runs which was great. It wasn't much of a holiday despite it being a holiday destination. We did only get there for about 12 hours and was pretty much dark by the time we made it to the cabins. I think I would stay on the other side of the island if I was going to be there for a holiday.... Horseshoe bay is mostly for backpackers and water activites so after it was dark there wasn't a whole lot happening. We had a pretty nice dinner at the Backpackers though which was a short walk around the corner and the best place to eat near by.. I had no phone reception and precious little internet so it was a little disconnected, probably good for a holiday but not much use when you're there for work.

Today is my last day in Townsville before heading to Sydney tomorrow morning. It's a crazy couple of weeks of travel. I have only got 36 hours in Brisbane over this fortnight which is going to get tiring by the end of next week I expect.

I did managed to fit in a little bit of Call of Duty 4 on the DS though which I must say was a lot better than working.

I've been a bit spoilt in Townsville having someone to catch up with! Thanks Suse!

In other news my laptop is refusing to stay cool, the room I'm working in is running at a constant 18 degrees yet my laptop is up around the 50-60. This morning during some heavy development scripts it topped out at 71! I've got a fan management app running so that the fans kick in a bit earlier to try and keep it running cooler but they are basically running high from about 5mins after login until I shut down. I fear it's CPU (or at least the fan) is heading for certain death.

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