Wednesday, May 02, 2007

General Update

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Lots of bits and pieces in all different areas. A couple of go lives at work keeping the new guys on their toes. Here's the highlights....

  • Our Unit is almost on the market : - Our first home which we've been holding onto as a rental is going on the market this week... It was a hard and sad decision to let it go when it's your first home, but it will work out well... emotional attachment and investment never ends well..
  • Stereo Install *almost* complete : - I managed to put up there remaining cable guides for the stereo install I had started back in Feb. I ran out of cables again though so there is at least one or two more trips to Bunnings yet.
  • Gaming Room Upgrade : - The room upgrade has been put on hold for a while... The practicalities of the room in it's current form weren't so good so we're looking at a complete redesign at the moment. The plan is to get it setup with more of an office feel with somewhere I can use my lappy other than the lounge room. Ness is also looking for a PC to do some photo stuff (no picasa on the Mac and it's Ness's favourite photo tool). Trying to find the right desk combination is a lengthy task though so there will be a few weekend trips to Ikea yet before it's finished.
  • MinX Ebay Upgrade :- I've been spending a bit of time looking for odds and ends for the MinX on Ebay. So far it's been proving quite effective. I picked up a dual cup holder to replace the ash tray, much more useful. It's a pretty good design, even has a removable drip tray for cleaning up the spills.
    Monday night I secured a Wind blocker for the back. One of the problems in winter is the back draft between the seats freezing my left ear and arm. I've been looking for one for ages but they are hard to find... Kudos to Tom for winning the auction for me though :)
    We're taking here away on the weekend up the mountains so she's in for a quick check over and clean today before we head off on Friday.
  • Gaming on the Run :- I've been stuck on my Micro lately with Fire Emblem. It's turned into a captivating game. The levels are small enough that the strategy can be played through on a bus trip and the ability to revisit the rest of the map moving away from a linear story has kept me coming back. I've in the 3rd Dungeon of Zelda but I haven't had enough time to sit down and play through a whole dungeon so I haven't kicked it up. I'm thinking about picking up Diddy Kong Racing for the DS today. It was a good game on the 64 and while Mario Kart DS is great game I know most of the tracks backwards by now.
  • Singing... this is a bit of a nothing one but I have been doing a heap of singing lately but at my lesson last night I hit the best top G I've ever sung.

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