Thursday, April 26, 2007

Can you ever have enough storage?

It seems to be the time for HDD upgrades. Not that long ago I upgraded my Topfield PVR to a huge 500Gb after a good find on Zazz. The Mac was next to follow after it's drive and logic board bit the dust. It got a healthy upgrade to 320Gb.

Today was my LACIE removable drive. My LACIE has been doing the Tick Tick Tick noise since Tuesday... I got it working this morning by dropping it while it was on and ticking... managed to get the head to move again, though it probably best to get the data off now... while I can...

So I've now got a 320gb Iomega beast being feed acres of data of the LACIE while its still spinning... no bad reads yet :)

1 comment:

  1. Check out a product called Datacatch Librarian at which you can use to catalog and index your removable media with. Then you can search your offline drives within Windows without having to connect them, very cool.
