Thursday, September 28, 2006

The week thus far....

It's another picture perfect day in sunny Townsville again, it's unfortunate that I'm flying here for work because the weather would be perfect for a holiday.

The Virgin Blue lounge membership paid off again on the way up with my flight being delayed about 50 mins because of all the storms in Brisbane.

In the end they promised so much and delivered so little. I love the storm season and with all the crazy up and down weather we've had this year it looks good for a wild storm season.

Fortunately I've managed to secure a second car park so I've got somewhere for the Blue Car to live before we sell it. So at least I don't have to worry about it having to brave the storm on it's own. It's a tandem park too, so Dad's old Merc will have somewhere to live without fear of the summer weather either. The only problem is his doesn't start at the moment, so he might have to get that sorted first.

Managed a "Tuesday Night Gaming" session this week. The original plan was to make it a fortnightly thing but it really never got off the ground... At the moment it's really a bi-monthly thing. Even this week only managed to get myself and Tom on for a session of Counter Strike. I managed to pick up the new Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows for the Xbox which has up to 4 player co-op multiplayer over Xbox live which will hopefully get a few more sessions happening. I'm still waiting to see if we can play multiple players on the one Xbox while still playing with players on Live, which could be a whole lot of fun.

I have a lot of the weekend to myself this weekend which I think will result in a lot of gaming time as just about everyone else is busy. I have the new Star Fox Command for the DS and although I've managed to finish the campaign there is plenty of stages still to unlock and the call of the Wifi battle is very strong.... Although I'll probably have to change my sign in name to "Flaming Wreck" after my first for sorties.

The new iTunes 7 has turned out to be a dangerous application. I've found downloading all those songs that you never managed to pick up the ablums for is just too easy. Especially when you can link it an account and happily click away at the "Buy Now" button. I've probably trebled the number of singles I own on iTunes downloads in the last month!

At home we've started a little more with the pot plants on the balcony (which as close as we'll ever get to gardening, and by 'we' I mean Ness) but recently we've got a new friend making it fairly clear that we're invading his space not the other way around

I took this photo with my phone while were trying to have lunch on the weekend, sitting at the table which fits snugly into the corner that you can see of the balcony. I could literally reach out and grab the mag pie from where I sat but it was determined to guard the edge of a balcony until we left. Lucky we're getting some rain at the moment otherwise the plants wouldn't be getting any water.

As I said earlier I'm in Townsville again for the remainder of this week and although it was looking excedingly likely I was going to Lismore next week that push seems to have subsided and I may find some time to take some holidays next week.

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