Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just what you need after an 8:30 Cricket Match

Last night I turned up for indoor cricket to discover it was finals time... This means play offs, the problem with this is we're second on the ladder. So our first match was against the top team meaning we had a second chance if we lost. But here in lies the problem, if we lost we had to play the winner of 3rd and 4th straight afterwards.

Of course we lost the first game so after playing our guts out in the heat and humidity we had to line up for another game at 9:50pm (which started at about 10:20pm) which resulted in me getting home at about 12:15am this morning.

I haven't played for a few weeks so I was happy to get back into the bowling with a wicket on my first and second ball and only going for about 2-3 runs over my whole spell. My batting wasn't anything to shout about but at least I managed to get a practice session!

Fortunately we won the second one which means we're in the Grand Final on Saturday. It's an early morning match so I'm hoping for a bit of a cooler session.

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