Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Every DS needs one of these

It's been ages since I've posted about some technology but when I saw this I couldn't resist! Engadget have previously written about a 4GB add on for the PSP but it's the best news about a media player for the DS I've ever seen!

Using the Game Boy Advance cartridge slot to store and power the hard drive, and the DS card slot to store the Media Player software, the combination promises to turn your game-centric DS into a PSP clone 'a powerful home entertainment device, with movie playback, music on the move and a convenient picture viewer.' It's unclear if this system will work with the new, smaller, Nintendo DS lite. All things told, it looks like a pretty nice product and, for about $225, it better be!
Basically it will give us everything we need to take all your media on the go... The only real problem is the DS isn't pocket sized to begin with and strapping this on the back doesn't exactly help!

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