Friday, January 20, 2006

Woohoo New Games

I love EB sales (well the good ones anyway). I picked up the sequel to one of my favourite games on the Cube, Viewtiful Joe. It's one of the best side scrolling platforms around, just about the right amount of action and combos with puzzles all based on timing. I admit it's not everyones cup of tea, but I'm hooked.
The unfortunate thing is with the number of games that I've got recently there is a real backlog starting to emerge. That combined with the time spent on the Wedding Machine! is really reducing the amount of time I've had for gaming. I haven't even been able to sneak much time in on the DS as I've been walking to work every day.

In other news I've made the decision to let my Wharfedales move on to a new home. Now the Jamos have taken up residence they are simply sitting in the lounge room taking up space. I had every intention of keeping them as a music setup but with the amount of time I actually get to just listen to music (ie none) they are wasted. So if you know anyone looking for a new speaker setup, I know some that are very loved and need to go to a good home.

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