Friday, January 20, 2006

What anime series to start?

I've had an awfully strange craving lately to watch some good anime. I think it comes from watching the new Starwars: Clone Wars Vol 2 DVD, not having seen Howl's Moving Castle when it was at the cinema and finishing the Robotech Boxsets I have. The blockbuster that I've been walking past on the way home has about the biggest anime collection I've ever seen, but the trouble is picking one to start? With about 50 billion different series and then the different series within the series I just can't pick one to start.

Being a Robotech fan in my younger days Gundam was a fairly obvious choice, but then do you choose Seed, or Wing or any of the other versions that are out there. Ninja scroll and Ghost in the Shell are two of my favourite movies which only makes the choices even wider!

HELP! Basically I think I want someone to say, this series is good... start with that one... Oh wait... that's what the internet is for! To the forums! "Go Web!"

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