Thursday, December 22, 2005

Just what I felt like doing tonight!

Today was just a nasty day! After working on some development to replicate functionality (that works perfectly well now) that has been seriously underscoped and completely undocumented, I went to do a very significant demo today only to have my laptop die!

There is really nothing like "Windows could not start" message to really brighten up your day. After spending about 20mins on the customers site trying to fix it we decided that it just wasn't going to work. The customer kindly gave us until 12pm to do the demo which means rebuilding my laptop tonight. (personally this close to Christmas I doubt seeing the product for the 5th time was really going to make that much difference, but apparenlty it is)

With most of the windows system32 directory corrupt and the harddrive running slower than any 3 1/4 I remember, I'm putting my money on it being the HDD. I've currently reinstalled windows onto a spare HDD and got the system up and running. Now it's the joy of trying to get the data back off my old drive.

So far I'm about 5 hours into the reinstall - restore process with no clear light at the end of the tunnel... I just hope I can stay awake for the demo!

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