Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It's almost christmas

It's a little hard to believe that go a few days it will be christmas already! It has really snuck up on me this year. I've hardly got any of the presents that i need! Fortunately the shops are open until 9pm for the next three nights. One of the reasons I haven't got around to the shopping is the huge amount of work that is on at the moment! Normally i'd be expecting everything to be easing off, but there is just as much work on now (if not more) than every other month of the year! However once friday rolls around i'll be go cruise mode! It y'll be nice to get some quality time with the consoles. On a less festive note i tried to remove the little toe of my left foot last night. Ended up only taking the toe-nail off on the vacuum. Still, it will make the trip to the coast next week interesting

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