Monday, November 14, 2005

Work stress + moving stress + ITSM stress

It's a very deadly equation. Today has been a bit of a nightmare in the stress department. First of all we're moving today, I was planning on having the day off but because of a huge demo that is on tomorrow I had to come in (and at 7am). I'm now flying home so I can get there before the removalists. However, there is some emergency in the Myer Centre and as a result no buses are leaving the Brisbane busyby station! On the work front a potential customer's asked for a big demo to decide a tender and has put forward a scenario that would normally be completed with about 3 months worth of development. To top it off it spans all modules of the system including 2 new modules that haven't previously been implemented in Australia so the amount of documentation and support has been huge. Obviously the customer have up plenty of notice (thursday!) to present the demo on Tuesday. So along with packing the whole house on the weekend i've also been building this system. I broke something with it this morning which resulted in about 2hrs worth of fixes. One of the new modules still isn't working and with nothing to tell me how it works it's slow going! So the only option at this point was chocolate.


  1. Absolutely THE best final line for any Blog post ever...

    Hope your move went ok. Marty said you guys looked a little beat last night... Wonder why? :-)

  2. I think it was really the point where I was stuck in a lift for 30 mins because our tall boy was too heavy that capped off the night
