Wednesday, November 16, 2005

We've moved to Studio 54 (well kinda)

So we're kind of moved into our new place. Ness has already named our new appartment Studio 54. Monday night (our move in) was just about the biggest day I've had in a long time. The moving guys turned up pretty much on time and packed everything in a flash. It was a bit of a help that we'd moved just about everything into the garage already so they just basically passed it into the truck. It all looked to be going so well. Getting everything to our new place sounded simple enough, there was a lift, fitted with padding and ready to go for us, how hard could it be? Turns out pretty hard. Our place is not a long way from the lift but once you've walked it about 30 times, carrying as much as you can, it starts to seem like a marathon. We had one of the moving guys unloading the truck at the bottom, the other one was packing the lift and bringing it to the top, it was then our job to get to our place. This (apart from being a long process) was about the fastest way we could get everything up and out.
We did managed to overload the lift with our tall boy at one point. Apparently our tall boy weighs over 900kg. So neither the guy helping me move nor I weighed more than 100kg lift was rated to 1100kg, and as evidenced by the fact that we were stuck in the lift for 30 mins while the lift tried to get to the next floor, it must weigh at least 900kg... which means I should try out for the weight lifting at the commonweath games next year.
Last night turned into a bit of an unpacking night. The intention was for us just to get home and collapse because we were completely exhausted from Monday night. We made the call though to put the bed frame together before we called it a night (two nights in a row sleeping on the floor wasn't on). We made a quick trip to bunnings for some stuff to stop the furniture from scratching the floor. Then to assembly!
Completing the bed spured us on to finish more, so we moved all the boxes to the right rooms, setup the table, all the bedroom furniture, the couches, the stereo cabinet and put felt things on the bottom of anything that wasn't nailed down. It's by no means closed to finished but it's starting to feel like a house rather than a storage cage.

1 comment:

  1. With a title like that I am expecting some similar parties.
