Monday, August 01, 2005

Taking the Xbox to the Arcades

Or is it taking the Arcades to the Xbox???

It's only taken about 8 months to get around to doing something about this but I've finally started looking into creating my own arcade machine.
For Christmas (much to Nessa's dismay) AJ and Tom gave me possibly the most evil present I'd ever received, The Project Arcade book. The book is basically a step by step guide on creating your own Arcade machine.

I spent the next few weeks eagerly perusing the pages looking for ideas, starting points, suppliers etc. But then (as with many projects) it slowly moved to the back burner.

This week however (prompted by several ideas, such as having a cocktail arcade machine style coffee table in our new apartment) I have swung back into action on the idea.

With the number of console titles around that are ports from original arcade titles and the discovery of some easily accessible arcade controllers for both the Xbox and PS2 I decided to look into using a console as the basis for a machine.

Capcom have released their iconic Street fighter title in a limited edition for it's 15th anniversary. Along with this a limited edition arcade controller has surfaced. This addition makes the perfect basis for an arcade style machine. So it's off to the drawing board (and to enlist the help of my Dad who would make a great carpenter if he wasn't already a dentist) to get the project started.

I'll endeavor to get photos and details up as I go along, that is if I ever get any further than this post on my blog.

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