Monday, August 01, 2005

Best night of indoor cricket in a long time

It's not often that I blog about anything sport-wise here but tonight was such a big occasion that I couldn't let it go.

We were up against a team known as 'Say no to Yum Cha' (previously known as 'Biscuit Boys') and in the 4 years that I've been playing at the centre we've never beaten them. In fact for the last 3 (or more) seasons they haven't lost a single match. The team is made up from the representative players from the centre who play in the superleague against other centres.

However, tonight was a different story. The whole team put in a solid effort to post a score of 95. Not the strongest score you want to have coming up against this team. This team is however very tight in the field and is notoriously hard to post a big score against.

We put on a great bowling attack to keep the first pair to 4 runs which gave us great start. The next two pair played solid innings and got the them in front with 96 before the final part we sent in.

In indoor, it's not over until the last ball (as ever wicket is a loss of 5 runs) and that's the ball that counted. With a very tight bowling effort and fast work in the field we managed to keep our nose infront and with a runout on the last ball sealed our victory 95 to 89.

There's nothing like a close game especially when you're on the winning side. And it's been a long time since I've tasted a victory as sweet as this!

1 comment:

  1. Go Ride The Cactus!! They better learn to say no to yum cha, they're obviously getting a little tubby :)
