Monday, August 08, 2005

Bought another DVD Title.... Finally

It seems like a lifetime since I've bought a DVD (turns out it's about 3 weeks). On Saturday night we settled in for some DVD time after we stopped of and bought Labyrinth - Standard Edition.

The number of DVDs I've been buying has been steadily dropping off over the last few months, I used to average about 5 or 6 a month but of late I haven't been excited into a frenzy after a trip to the DVD retailer. I think the main reason is quality of titles is just not as steady as it once was and that most of the titles that I desperately wanted I've now purchased. Although there has still been a steady stream of movies the release to DVD has either been an long wait (by which time I've forgotten about the title) or that the movie hasn't been inspiring (as I've found with most of the recent outings to the cinema... Sin City excluded of course). Maybe we're just in a DVD lull and it will pick up shortly :)

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