Monday, November 22, 2004

Tunes on a Sunday (well almost)

We had a pretty full on weekend but I still managed to find time to spin a few tracks up (although there wasn't much Musical or Hi-fi appreciation going on)

It's a given that I'm still Musical-ing at the moment so my Muse CDs are still going (but just the same as they were last week. During our parties on the weekend I managed to squeeze in a few laid back albums with the Second Verve Remix CD, which is always nice to sit back and groove along too. I've left Jamie Cullum alone this week hoping that I'll come to like it more in it's absence. With the invasion of little people I decided that a few soothing sounds was probably not a bad idea so I gave On and On from Jack Johnson a bit of a spin. The easy going guitar and laid back vocals are always a trick to easy back the pace a few clicks. Although I always have a bit of a chuckle when the track Taylor comes up, I just can't get the image of Ben Stiller's film clip out of my head.
The Bees got a bit of a run through while I was cleaning, a bit of Chicken Payback is enough to get anyone in the mood for anything. It's about the happiest song around and it always makes me want to get up and jump around the room.
On Sunday we were having a bit of fun with the sing along to the musicals and while we were in a singing mood I threw in The Darkness and had a good ol' belt out of Growing on Me.

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