Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Inspiration for a ride

I've been posting a fair bit about my preparation for the craziness that I've signed up for in June (less than a month away) but I haven't said a lot about why I've signed up to ride the 570km in 3 short days.

At the moment it's pretty rare to talk to someone who hasn't had or doesn't know someone who's battled cancer. That sort of statistic is probably reason enough to raise funds for research. Unfortunately, just as many others, more than a few of my family members have had their various battles (both won and sadly lost) including my Dad who while successfully battling prostate cancer shortly after lost his sight.

I find it just amazing that after such tremendous blows to his health and generally quality of life he still managed to find a new career even with his loss of sight. To his credit he makes it look easy living with a vision impairment with virtually no complaint.

If he can live through that struggle every day a few days of pain on a bike seems insignificant.

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