Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A week and a half to go to The Midi Smiddy

As may or may not know that this year I've embarked on a crazy cycling challenge called the Midi Smiddy, where we are cycling 570km in 3 Days. There a few reasons why I've decided to take up the challenge and raise money for cancer research but mostly inspired with my Dad's fight with Cancer.

Firstly, I just thought I'd email everyone now that it's close to the event to say a Huge thank you to everyone that's already given to the cause to help reach my goal.

Secondly I thought I'd let everyone know how they can track my progress over the weekend both on the Smiddy Blog and My Blog (If I haven't collapsed from exhaustion). If you're a interested in the facts and figures then you can see my stats on the ride (and for my training so far) on Strava.

Thanks again!
Cameron (officially a crazy cyclist)

PS. Someone has put out the challenge for me shave my legs for the ride (not quite that crazy a cyclist yet)... I've reluctantly agreed if I hit a $2000 fundraising target... :)

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