Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Holidaying to Hobart

Today we are off with the two littleones to visit the grandparents.

It's been a crazy time on holidays with our house getting new flooring while we were down the coast. Of course that ran a little late and we compressed the unpacking the house and packing for Tasmania into the same event. I found the whole moving back in part simultaneously depressing and frustrating. I knew that the unpacking the house again was going to be long and hard but I hadn't really anticipated the amount of dust from all the work cutting the floors. After a few hissy fits on my part I got over it and the place looks fantastic now.

The up side of all this of course is we are now on the plane to Hobart for another break. Ness even manage awesome wife +1 by not only organizing the trip but finding bike hire and cycling routes so I can keep training for the smiddy ride.

It did get me thinking on a travel bike solution with a few rides in Melbourne coming up. I even manage to find two folding bikes with bull horns and road style shifters! http://www.evanscycles.com/products/tern/verge-x30h-2012-folding-bike-ec032573 the only downside really is they cost about twice my current bike.

Anyway I'm really looking forward to another break and fingers crossed the weather stays bright! And amazingly the littlegirl managed not the be a banshee on the flight.

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