Friday, March 23, 2012

Using Social Media for good... not evil...

I was thinking over the last few days about a strategy for raising donations for the Smiling for Smiddy ride and realised that the fastest way I could reach more people is through the twitterverse. I don't have a huge number of followers but the hope is that a few of those would retweet and on from there...

The fundraising is for something that I probably fear more that anything... Cancer (research)... I know a few people who've had to battle it and fortunately most have come through with only a few battle scars. It would be nice if we could make the list of people who have to battle it just a bit sorter... The details on who benefits from all the fundraising are here

Asking for money is something I've always found hard even when it is for a good cause, but if you'd like to help me out all I'm asking is a reshare/retweet... if you'd like to donate as well that'd be fantastic.

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