Saturday, November 05, 2011

The painful transition away from mobile me

As many of you probably know I'm well ingrained in the apple product suite and have been for a while now. The upgrade to iOS5 and iCloud has brought a few challenges. The biggest one for me is photo sharing/storage. Up until now I'd used iPhoto and mobile me gallery for all my photo needs. It integrated perfectly with all the base apps and worked beautifully so that I could take a photo on my phone. Upload it straight away and have it already in my appleTV screensaver instantly.

iOS5 has brought the photo stream which is great because it automatically syncs every photo you take to all my iDevices. The trouble is photo stream is terrible because it automatically syncs every photo you take to all my iDevices.
Now rather than being selective all
My photos including mistakes are up there straight away and you can't delete single photos once uploaded. You can only delete the whole steam.

The other issue is the appleTV which displays it without an issue but the stream only holds the last 30 days photos. And I kinda like being reminded about my younger and less responsible times now most of the photos I take are of my kids (not that I don't love them dearly, it's just nice to know I had a life once)

So I've gone back to my Flickr account and I'm migrating my albums to there. Now before you ask the main reason I didn't choose picasaweb or any other service is the integration to the appleTV. I really like having them float by as I listen to music and it's with the Flickr subscription to keep that going.

Sent from my iPhone

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