Monday, April 11, 2011

How late is this post.

Well is so very very close to my birthday and I'm only getting around to a wish list now. Pretty sad really. My birthday hasn't been the big event I normally hype it up to be... Not sure why really.

Anyway onto the wish list. There isn't much that I really want..... Actually that's not try but there isn't a lot of stuff I'm really looking for.

- Another 3 art vinyl storage containers
- It's rare for me to want physical media these days but I TRON Legacy on blu ray I think is a must
- I'd like a 3DS but my DSi is hardly getting any play time. (I still haven't finished dragons quest)
- iPad 2 but really that is because I'm not a fan of sharing the one we've got :)
- new appleTV
- Munchkin card game
- Some New Records
- some new t-shirts (everyone needs new t-shirts)

Sent from my iPad

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