Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Cycling through obsessions.

I wasn't intending that title to be a pun but I guess one of my current obessions is back to cycling although I'm trying for it not to be a purchase heavy obsession at the moment. The temptation to get a new bike is pretty strong given the age and spec of my bike (especially compared to the rest of the people I ride with) but I seem to be keeping up with them ok at the moment so I'm resisting the new bike urge.
The post was actually because I've come full circle back to photography, trying very hard to not start the audiophile cycle again (yes Andrew I'm looking at you). I haven't bought much for my camera since I the original purchase a few years ago (a pentax k200d) with the exception of a 50mm 1.4 prime fully manual. It takes fantastic and beautiful photos but is a bit hard to focus given the shallow depth of field. It's not bad if you have a plenty of time to setup the shot and focus but now the little one is getting bigger and much faster on his feet it's very hit and miss.
The obvious direction this is going is that I bought a new lens, while is a wider angle than the manual one I have it's nice and compact and still fairly fast at 2.8. I managed to get PENTAX DA 40mm F2.8 Limited fairly cheaply on eBay and I'm hoping that it will be a good auto alternative for my old 50mm.

It does make the camera look a little anemic though

Stay tuned for some sample pics (provided it turns up of course)

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