Sunday, October 03, 2010

A blog from the plane. Hour 1

So I thought I'd keep myself amused on the flight by blogging. So here we are only just an hour into the flight and there is no sight of in flight entertainment. The system has crashed so we are going to go without mostly. I'm not too bothered as I've got about a thousand media capable devices and a DS a couple of magazines and a Terry Prachet to keep me going. There are going to be some very bored people though.

I'm pretty used to work travel but this trip was especially hard and I must admit I had a few tears saying goodbye and it was only for a week. It probably wasn't helped by the fact the littleone was saying I should stay home or asking if he could come too.

Also it was a little odd but the guy who caught the same lift to the terminal ended up sitting next to me. A pretty nice guy who is taking a his first OS trip and making it a big one doing pretty much ever continent for a year. Its lucky (he's a nice guy) because the flight is packed without a spare seat in sight.

Also if you are flying long haul flight and in economy always order a special meal even if you don't need one. You get special service first. You have to be prepared for angry stares from your fellow passengers though when you're eating.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Who did you fly with? Qantas did that thi g with in flight entertainment to me once when travelling to Europe. No fun. I haven't flown qantas internationally sice but I am giving them another chance in Dec with my first trip to the US. So please don't say it was qantas!

    At least I will have iPad this time :)
