Monday, August 23, 2010

Would I buy another 360?

So I was playing some Battlefield: Bad Company 2  last night (my current shooter of choice) and my Xbox 360 started locking up. It's a behaviour I've seen before, just before it started giving me the RROD (or NRROD E74) error. After a few more lock ups I gave up and decided to catch up on some more TV.  Today it started me thinking, my warranty is all but expired would I be bothered getting another 360 if this one died? I know there is the new Xbox 360 Elite Slim Console is available with better cooling and whisper quiet fans, but would I bother supporting the console again after 2 RROD incidents.

I still have the Wii which is actually getting more gaming time as the littleone is quite the fan of Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy 2 (commonly referred to as "Wah Hah"). And while I'd miss the FPS Gaming (the main reason the 360 gets switched on) there area a few new Wii titles, like Golden Eye Wii and Metroid: Other M, that could go some way to filling the void.

It's only really a musing at the moment as my 360 hasn't actually died yet but given the signs it's looking likely.

Maybe it's time to dust off the DS and pick up Puzzle Quest 2 or the new Dragon's Quest, it's been a while since I've play any decent RPGs. There is also Monster Hunter 3 and Fire Emblem that can more than consume my gaming time as well. It's just a pity that Nintendo is still to implement some good online co-op or multiplayer experiences.

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