Sunday, August 08, 2010

AppleTV and atvflash the first month (part 1)

I'd like to be writing this covering all the awesomeness of the
appletv after it's smooth update to atvflash but sadly it hasn't
really worked out like that.

To be fair I don't think it's entirely the fault of atvflash I think
it's starting to get on a little and the constant life on at
reasonably high temps of the media cabinet are taking their toll. That
combined with it's recent role of toy car circuit aid hasn't helped
either. I think the extra load of atvflash have just been a bit much
for it.

Having said that now it's mostly setup it's running smoothly again and
hopefully won't be too many more hiccups.

The biggest lesson learn is planning (which really should have been
obvious given I'm always going on about it at work). Many if the
issues and much of the time could have been avoided by having a clear
setup in mind before reallocating external storage for the 4th time.

Back to the setup though, the main reason for going to atvflash in the
first place was to give me a good solution for playing DVD backups.
With a little set of hands in the house it's a dangerous place for
physical media and now running a bluray player it's a very long time
from startup to movie which can be hazardous when trying to satisfy
the content demands of a sub 2yo. I could have taken the option to
convert to mp4 but my main machine is a G5 iMac and the processing
time for an average movie can be in excess of 25hrs vs 25min for a
straight DVD backup. There are the obvious size savings when using
h264 but given the cost of storage and the ability to expand the
appletv via USB there seemed to be no reason to waste processing
cycles on space saving.

It was the storage setup that ultimately caused all my hassles but
that will have to wait for part 2

Sent from my iPhone

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