Sunday, May 16, 2010

Remembering the joys of being a kid

It dawned on me yesterday when I was watching the littleone playing
with some cardboard that had transformed into a train and was "choo
chooing" it's way over my face that generally I don't spend enough
time just having fun. Obviously there are plenty if things that get in
the way, work being the big one. I'm not really sure what I can do
about it or what the real purpose of this post is.

I guess it should just remind me that there is no point working to
live if you don't do the living bit in the end.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. I'm much the same, my nights are spent trying to relax by conking out in front of the telly. Not much fun really. Time I found something better to do!

  2. Priorities are hard sometimes.. I've been a big fan of putting my wife and kids before anything else. I'll have them for life, I won't have the project/job/house/etc. for nearly as long. If family is towards the top of the list everything else will fall into place.

  3. Reminds me of my mum's sage advice - "the kids won't remember if the house was clean, but they will remember that you played with them." Then of course I married a big kid! :p
