Sunday, March 14, 2010

So that last post was supposed to be longer

... I was mid sentence in that post when I accidentally hit send and then after it posted I was going to finish it but STREET FIGHTER IV for iPhone somehow got started and well.... that was the end of any more blogging...

So back to what I was saying, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have the river walk to calm/occupy/put to sleep the cranky pants. I know in a lot of suburban places they have some pathways and footpaths by the road but I know from the walk to day care in the mornings this can be about as stressful as the scream at home with all the dodging of traffic crossing roads etc.
We are out on the walk almost every morning it's fine and on the weekends (or afternoons if it's light enough) we're out there as much as we can. I think if I was still with a little one I would find it very hard to get through the loud patches without a similar sort of space.

The reason it's such a topic today is it's been a week of very long nights and the escape to the river walk has probably been a little overused (in defence of the too young to blog he does have a cold/cough and is getting some new teeth all in one go). But there is nothing like a 5:30am walk to watch the sunrise and a double macchiato to cure some sleep deprivation.

I must admit that I restarted this post with something else insightful to add, but of course now I'm halfway through it I can't remember what it was....

Anyway... on to other events of the weekend, we took advantage of the waterpark at southbank after a very cruisy bike ride with a few other friends. Fortunately the off and on rain for the day meant there were only a handful of kids in the water and we could roam free the whole time.

I finally did some gaming on the Wii that didn't involve "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" and plugged away at another level of Fire Emblem. I swear the AI is targeting healers because it knows if you loose a character it's game over. It's possibly one of the most difficult games I've every played and it's not difficult in a good way... Never the less this just seems to make me want to play it more... either that or throw the controller at the TV, such a fine line.

The iPad was available for preorder in the States yesterday and I've been trying to steer clear of the news because I know I want to buy one and the release seems like such a way off for Australia. I'm thinking that the WiFi only device is the one to get because with two iPhones and a 3G enabled MacBook Pro how often am I going to need the iPad to be online out of the house.

Lastly but not least... is one of the best things about having someone little running around the house... no one wonders why you're sitting on the floor playing with toy cars (complete with brum brum noises. Yes I'm still that much of a kid at heart)

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