Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am a bit of a hoarder. I come from a family of hoarders so it's not
surprising I've picked up the behaviour. I've tried to cut back but
every so often I slip back into some hoarding. This week though it's
been the complete opposite. Ness was watching an (heart wrenching)
show on compulsive hoarders. These people (often as a coping mechanism
for some incredible hardship) have so much stuff in there houses they
haven't seen the insides of rooms for over 5 years. This was enough
for me (one because I found it depressing to watch and two if they
could throw out things then I could at least clear out my study). In
the end it was pretty easy all thd documentation from my past working
life went and the odds and ends went with it. The bug seems to have
stuck though as I've continued to the kitchen tonight. Who knows where
it will go next.

In case any of you are wondering why there is a rather self indulgent
post at midnight. The Littleone(tm) is sick and has woken up with a
high temp again tonight. After some nurafen, milk and a cuddle he's
back asleep. I'm trying to stay awake to make sure his temp keeps
heading away from the 40 mark, hence the blogging.

Sent from my iPhone

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