Monday, August 31, 2009

The Mission FS2-AV one week in (part 2)

After blabbing on about how nice it was to install, now... the important bit how it sounds.

In a word amazing... not that they are the most amazing speakers you'll ever here but considering their size (and what they replaced) and price they are an amazing buy.

The integration with the sub is seamless (once you've tweeked the sub level and "closeness to the wall" setting) and is weighty enough to remind you why you need a sub. One of my original concerns was that the single sub would be too light after the 15" Jamo (i even had another matching sub in my watch list just in case). While it will never be able to move the walls (or floor) to the same extent as the Jamo the Mission sub has enough presence to handle even the largest explosion scenes of "Iron Man" and even rattle a window or two.

The biggest difference I noticed was the level of clarity that the speakers have even at low volumes. While never having trouble producing the dynamic range the voices always seem to break through crisply.

The Missions have turned out to be the ideal set of apartment speakers with a perfect blend of sonic weight, clarity and discrete installation. I've probably watched as many movies on the projector since I've picked up the new speakers than I have for the rest of the year.

Of course I could still be in the new purchase honeymoon period so the real test will be when a few more sets of ears come around to critique.

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